My Approach to Astrology:


My Approach to Astrology is non-deterministic. Planets DO NOT cause anything, but correlate to the make up of the individuals consciousness "symbolically"! You are not determined by your planets positions. You are accountable based on your unique Karma. The planets only reflect your unique karma!

Astrology is like a map or guide and represents the nature of a persons past and current life or consciousness.

Birth marks something unique and is represented by the natal chart. Your natal chart represents that special moment in space and time. Like a blueprint your natal chart symbolically correlates to that life potential within your consciousness. So we can look at your natal chart as a symbolic representation of your karma from all your past lives.

A Unique Empowering Approach:

I have developed a unique interpretive approach to astrology, called "Soul Journey Evolution Awareness", coming from many years exploring the interface between Engineering, physics, spirituality, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and evolutionary astrology in addition to over 20 years of dealing with people one-to-one. This approach builds on the concepts of Evolutionary Astrology and the understanding that life is essentially based on the requirement to evolve; we are not just meant to survive, but to become more conscious of the principles of life. Evolution consists of increasing awareness about the nature of existence we are born into and empowering us to be the best that we are meant to be.

"Soul Journey Evolution Awareness" combines the practice of Evolutionary Astrology with Past Life Regression Therapy, as a result your Karmic Complexes can be more thoroughly explored and healed.

The fact that the phenomenon of evolution exists implies that no living being has reached complete consciousness. Existence is supported by universal/natural laws, and only in assimilating these laws can we live in health, productivity, and satisfaction - materially, psychologically and spiritually, these laws are Truth. Everyone is subject to these universal laws, but most people are not aware of them; instead they are driven by internal hunger mechanically following external expectations.

The soul is a life force inside every being that exists beyond the limitations of time and space. From the soul originates the deep need to know more of the Truth and to completely harmonize with Life. The process of the soul's evolution extends over numerous lifetimes. The soul incarnates into a specific time and space to work on its evolution and to learn more about life, each time from a different angle. In each incarnation it adopts an Ego, an identity, and through this identity it adapts to the current environment. In each incarnation there are conditions, both stressful and supportive, that promote evolution. Nothing in life is random, every single experience and circumstance serves the soul's purpose of evolution.


Popularized in the 1990's by Jeffrey Wolf Green, Evolutionary Astrology is relatively new and has revolutionized the field of Astrology. This approach offers deep understanding about the reasons for being born in a particular family, the reasons for attracting certain people into one's life, the reasons for failure and success - all because nothing is accidental. Through "Soul Journey Evolution Awareness" it is possible to further understand the spiritual meaning of life, and yet, also give very concrete advice in all areas of life, be it relationships, profession, children, self-development, and so on.

Evolutionary Astrology consists of using an astrological birth-chart to identify the individual's situation in the development of consciousness. Through it, it is possible to trace what the soul carries from past lives, and accordingly, the evolutionary lessons for this life. Evolutionary Astrology offers tremendous insights into where the soul has been, its current life purpose, and ultimately where the soul is going. In much of traditional astrology, the sun, moon and ascendant are emphasized. They undoubtedly play a role in the big picture, however, by diving deeper and addressing ‘soul’ intentions, one can uncover past dynamics, which may have prevented optimal growth and joy. The focal point in Evolutionary Astrology therefore is the position of Pluto, the soul. It is vitally important to understand where the soul has been, for just as with a book, you do not read the last chapter first. Evolutionary Astrology will assist in explaining certain tendencies and attractions. If something is not working in your life, it may continue to express itself as a repeating theme until the lesson is learned and the pattern is finally broken. Often times we simply re-create what’s familiar, not necessarily because it’s good for us. Evolutionary Astrology unveils the ‘why’ in these patterns and offers insights and guidance into a soul’s evolutionary path  enabling one to self empower and create a reality reflecting a Soul’s deepest desires and intention for this life.

From this view, astrology ceases to merely be a tool of predictions, but instead serves to identify and analyze cycles in the life of the individual and the collective. It is now a tool we can use to explore the complexity of the psyche and provide individuals with a clearer realization of the soul's evolutionary purpose, helping the individual use his or her resources in a more beneficial and empowering way.

"There shall be signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars" - Jesus Christ